Stunning Web Design, Redesign, & Development – Stand Out Online With Agital
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Look & Feel

Aesthetics & Functionality—An Iconic Duo

Marry eye-catching design with intuitive navigation.

Our design team breaks the mold by blending striking visual elements with user-friendly functionality. We create a symphony of colors, shapes, and interactions that not only grab your audience’s attention but guide them effortlessly across your digital landscape, enhancing user engagement and increasing conversions.


Empower Accessibility

Provide an inclusive experience for everyone.

It’s imperative to accommodate everyone looking to purchase from your brand. Our team uses the latest technology and best practices to create landing pages that are accessible to everyone, so you can promote your product or service without limitations.

Customized Yet Scalable

If you build it, they will come.

Mobile-First Development

We flip the script with mobile-first development, crafting your site for the small screen first and then scaling up—no device left behind.

Custom Page Building

Brace yourself for Gutenplate, our custom WordPress secret weapon. It accelerates web development and enables you to control every aspect of your site—no tech guru status required.

Performance Optimization

We’re not just about looks—we crank up your site’s performance to eleven. Lightning-fast load speeds, hyper-responsive interfaces, and superior user experience.

  • DEFINITION Blazing the trail.

    With a full arsenal of WordPress, HTML5, SQL, and PHP, we dissect your business goals and tech needs. We dive deep into your hosting and integration requirements and craft a strategic roadmap that scoffs at mediocrity and sets your venture on a daring path to digital dominance.

  • DESIGN The UX revolution.

    Our designers are relentless innovators, revolutionizing user experiences with front-end designs that defy the mundane. They forge captivating interfaces that draw users in, turning engagement into an adrenaline rush, cranking up conversion rates, and leaving convention in the dust.

  • DEVELOPMENT Prototypes to powerhouses.

    Our development process is a whirlwind of tech and creativity. We breathe life into sketches, transforming them into functional prototypes and then into compelling digital touchpoints. With an uncompromising QA process, we ensure every feature aligns with your vision and functions seamlessly, all while keeping scope creep in check.

  • DEPLOY Deploy, dominate, celebrate!

    Once we’ve crafted your digital masterpiece, we prepare for launch. Your site goes live, bolstered by our rigorous post-development QA. But we don’t just hand over the keys and walk away. We equip you with a dynamic content management system, empowering you to steer your digital content while we provide unwavering support, helping you defy challenges and evolve in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Advance your goals with holistic marketing support and strategy.


Explore our FAQs to find the answers to all your burning website design & development questions. Want more information? Reach out today!

When we say “mobile-first,” we’re not just talking about squeezing websites into smaller screens. We’re talking about a complete shift in the way we approach design. We start with the smallest screen – your smartphone – and build upwards. This way, we ensure that no matter where your audience is, they can interact with your brand seamlessly.

But this is more than just a technical approach—it’s a statement, a commitment to forward-thinking strategies. It’s about recognizing the dominance of mobile browsing and saying, “we’re ready!”

Our tech stack isn’t just “up to snuff” – it’s a well-tuned engine that drives us forward in the digital race. With established, yet continuously evolving platforms and languages like WordPress, HTML5, SQL, and PHP, we create, innovate, and iterate with precision.

These are tools that have stood the test of time, proving their reliability and versatility time and again. Together, they enable us to create dynamic, responsive, and interactive websites that serve your business goals. This technical proficiency, combined with a dash of rebellion, helps us maintain an energetic, innovative, and enjoyable development process.

Functional prototyping is where the magic happens! It’s the moment your website shifts from an idea into a tangible, clickable experience. This crucial step allows us to test, iterate, and perfect your site before it goes live.

As for content management, it’s the fuel that keeps your website fresh and relevant. Our proficiency in platforms like WordPress allows us to build websites that you can effortlessly manage, keeping your digital presence vibrant without constant back-and-forth with developers.

Gutenplate is our answer to inefficient, costly web development processes. It’s a custom boilerplate web builder for WordPress that enables us to streamline our workflow, meaning we get your site live faster and more efficiently. But Gutenplate isn’t just for us. We’ve built it with an intuitive, user-friendly interface, empowering you to make updates to your site without diving into the code.

SEO and accessibility aren’t just boxes to check. These aspects of web design are integral to any website’s success. We design with these elements at the forefront, ensuring your site doesn’t just look good, but can be found and accessed by everyone. We strike a balance between aesthetic appeal and SEO-friendly design, and ensure that all our websites meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

It’s our secret sauce, our fool-proof roadmap to creating digital experiences that make an impact. It starts with defining your objectives, understanding your brand, and mapping out the journey ahead. We then move on to design, where our team of creative maestros get to work crafting a design that captures your brand’s spirit. After deployment, we’re not done. We stick around for post-launch support, ensuring your website continues to shine.


We’ve got insights and we like to share them.

Case Study
  • Gonzaga


    Agital partnered with Gonzaga University to create a robust yield campaign for their Spring 2021 Undergrad programs to encourage enrollment confirmation.

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