How Solly Baby Grew 46% YoY While Lowering CPA | Agital
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Growth in new customers acquired YoY.

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YoY revenue growth.

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Decrease in cost per acquisition.

Solly Baby

Solly Baby began in 2010 with a devoted mom looking to balance closeness with her baby with comfort and flexibility. She created her own solution—the Solly Wrap—and the now-global brand was born. Designed to be both beautiful and practical, Solly Baby wraps quickly gained popularity and can now be seen on customers ranging from the new mom next door to Hollywood’s finest stars.  

As customers and marketplaces evolve, it’s important for successful brands to evaluate areas of opportunity to keep growing. When Solly Baby identified untapped opportunities in terms of new customer acquisitions, they approached Agital to scale their acquisition efforts and acquire new customers more efficiently. 


Fashion, Apparel & Accessories 



Marketing Mix

Paid Social, Paid Search, Product Ads, SEO, Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Meta Ads 

The Challenges

  • Acquire new customers across paid and organic media in an efficient, scalable way. 
  • Increase sitewide revenue. 
  • Boost search rankings and overall visibility. 

The Solution

Agital provided a robust digital marketing strategy encompassing paid social, paid search, product ads, and SEO to work in tandem with Solly Baby’s ongoing influencer and affiliate efforts.  

Paid Search & Product Ads 

We also used paid media to build awareness and advocacy for Solly Baby’s brand to convert new, loyal customers. First-time moms are not searching for brands, they’re searching for solutions. We segmented campaigns to target non-brand terms with qualifiers like “best” and “safest” to ensure visibility for first-time parents.  

On Google and Microsoft Ads, we scaled our non-brand targeting and ensured top tier impression share to own more of the search engine results page (SERP). 


In the planning stages, Agital offered recommendations to optimize Solly Baby’s social media messaging strategy for improved engagement results. 

  • User-Generated Social Proof: We combined social proofing and press with user-generated content (UGC) to relate to consumers and instill trust that Solly Baby truly is the best wrap. 
  • Ad Type Testing; We tested a variety of formats—static image, GIF, collection ads, and more—to identify the top performers. We used the collection ads format to combine of one of our best performing static ads with a selection of our top selling products, and it performed exceedingly well in the feed. 
  • New Product Launches: For each new collection launch, we mastered the ad format by quickly testing different variations—carousel, static, GIF, video, and more. Then, we leaned into the best performing formats as the new collections became evergreen. Every new collection launch boosted revenue, thanks to our well-tested approach along with Solly Baby’s beautiful photoshoot imagery.  


We designed a customized strategy to revamp Solly Baby’s SEO to reach new customers and efficiently scale revenue growth. Solly Baby applied Agital’s SEO content and technical improvement suggestions to include more relevant keywords on their site and increase visibility. On Google, Solly Baby scaled non-brand targeting and ensured top-tier impression share to own more of the SERP. 

“We were excited when Agital proposed a truly integrated strategy. Their approach and recommendations helped us make the most of some of our influencer and affiliate marketing efforts, so each channel and initiative was supporting and enhancing the others.” 

Nicole Newhouse
CEO, Solly Baby 

The Results

Agital’s work with Solly Baby drove a 46% increase in revenue year-over-year and a 14% increase in profit on every first order YoY (January 1-December 31, 2023 vs. 2022). We significantly increased revenue without increasing spend YoY by optimizing Solly Baby’s conversion rate and decreasing their cost per thousand impressions (CPM).  

Solly Baby’s organic search rankings generated four times the number of clicks and nearly six times the number of impressions through optimized SEO content and technical SEO initiatives YoY. We also grew overall keywords, with page one keywords seeing the most improvement. 

Agital’s customized campaign strategy for Solly Baby amplified overall awareness and impressions for the brand and boosted engagement with their social media messaging strategy. Notably, Solly Baby achieved these results without affecting their customer lifetime value (CLTV). 

“The Agital team has been pivotal in scaling our new customer acquisitions and brand visibility. Their cross-channel strategy and smart SEO recommendations have helped us increase site-wide revenue, climb search rankings, and improve on our click and impression KPIs.” 

Nicole Newhouse
CEO, Solly Baby 

Today, Solly Baby maintains efficiency with even investments across the customer activity cycle, from awareness through loyalty. As the Solly Baby brand continues to grow, Agital will remain a dedicated partner in helping them scale and meet their goals most efficiently.  

You can watch our webinar with Solly Baby CEO Nicole Newhouse to hear her side of the story.

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Advancement through holistic marketing support and strategy.


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